Thursday, February 28, 2013

Why are teeth sometimes crooked?

There are several reasons why our teeth are crooked or overlaped. Some of us have a small mouth and insufficient room for our teeth, which creates crowding and causes teeth to shift. Some of us are born with upper and lower jaw structures that  aren’t the same size or are malformed. Most often, crooked teeth are inherited traits just as the color of your eyes or hair.
Further causes of crooked teeth are:
  •  the early loss of baby teeth
  •  the loss of adult teeth
  •  continual pressures on the teeth and gums
  •  misalignment of the jaw after a facial injury
  •  childhood habits such as thumb sucking, tongue thrusting, or prolonged use of a bottle or pacifier.
Did you know that having crooked teeth is not solely a cosmetic issue, it can lead to serious health problems as well? Crooked teeth can:

• interfere with proper chewing and contribute to headaches
• make keeping teeth clean more challenging and thereby increases the risk of tooth decay, cavities, gingivitis or tooth loss
• cause undo stress and strain on the jaws muscles, increasing the risk of breaking a tooth!

Orthodontic treatment procedures can help correct crooked teeth, and here at Boschken Orthodontics we have custom services that will meet your individual needs.  We want you to be proud of your smile!


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